+256 753 340 235 info@mulimaadventures.com

Abseiling Sipi Falls Waterfall

The real adrenaline kick paired with an amazing experience

Abseiling Sipi Falls is one of the most adventurous activities you will engage in on your trip to Sipi. If you are an adrenaline junkie (in a good way), this is the activity for you. It is a sport where you descend down the slopes of steep rocks with a friction device and rope. This is also called ‘Rappelling’.

The memory of abseiling Sipi Falls lasts for ages, and it comes with a professionally guided experience.

On this tour of Sipi Falls Abseiling, we will wake you up to an amazing experience. With our famous Sipi Falls, in mind, you will enjoy an impressive educational adrenaline experience, paired with the history and culture of Mountain Elgon.

Get ready and taste the real deal of adrenaline rush.


Abseiling Sipi Falls – the adrenaline kick

Enjoying the view of a stunning waterfall is already amazing, but abseiling takes this adventure far beyond the limits of normal sightseeing of a tourist.

Getting a charge out of the perspective of a dazzling Waterfall is as of now astounding however abseiling Sipi Falls takes this experience a long way past the breaking points of a typical tour.

The serious and amazing sentiment of the water joined with the way that you are holding tight to a rope and that there is only water underneath or more, will give you the adrenaline rush you have never experienced before. The waterfall height is 100 meters and the span will be 15 minutes for an individual. Cascade Abseiling is a perfect experience action to test your certainty at Sipi Falls.


Sipi Falls Abseiling

Abseiling is a recreational activity that involves descending down a rock wall using a rope in controlled conditions from a mountain, cliff, or building and is also known as rappelling in other countries. Such as the United States of America.


The difference between Abseiling and Rappelling

There is no difference between Abseiling and Rappelling. Both words describe the same outdoor activity where a rope and a friction device (usually a belay device) are used to carefully descend a cliff face or vertical wall, that allows you to perform the activity.

To put it most simply, rappelling is just lowering yourself with a climbing rope. In belaying, the belayer remains stationary, and the rope moves.

abseiling sipi falls the real deal
Instructor Backson giving abseiling instructions before descending
abseiling the sipi falls

History of Abseiling Sipi Falls


Abseiling came into existence in the early 1860s in Switzerland. Abseiling Sipi Falls was introduced in Sipi in 2002 as an adventure that takes your limits of adrenaline beyond your expectations. With the help of our experienced guides, we stand out to bring you Abseiling Sipi Falls as a life-changing experience.

When Abseiling was introduced, there were three guides who had an opportunity to be trained by volunteers from North Alpine in Italy, who came to the country Uganda as missionaries under the Catholic Church. Through their knowledge of Abseiling/ Rappelling and rock climbing which has been brought into existence in Sipi since then.

The person behind offering this activity now at Sipi Falls is called Backson Chebaimo, who was among the well-trained. Before Abseiling, the main activity at Sipi Falls was only hiking the famous Sipi waterfall. After the initiation of Abseiling in Sipi, Mount Elgon increased the number of tourists from across the globe.





Backson, learning how to perform belaying and bouldering, has been a privilege for him. He was born in Sipi village, near the beautiful rock, and worked as a tourist guide at Crows Nest before encountering bouldering and belaying.

He always joked around saying “When I was young I used to climb these beautiful captivating rocks around without a rope or any protection” to a couple who were tourists by the names of Elizabeth and Jacob. The couple then picked an idea and told Backson to write a proposal about learning how to boulder and abseil, without knowing that in his late 20s, he will have a chance to take it to another level as a professional. After that, a group of volunteers came and trained him for about three months.

He worked with a company that started as a senior instructor. Later he went to work with ziplining that had started in Jinja in 2007 for two years where he met his new three British friends William, Ian, and Column who were so thrilled with Adventure tourism and hungry to explore Uganda beyond their expectations of Sipi on Mount Elgon. Later these three boys opened a lodge in Sipi which was dubbed Sipi river lodge but as of now, it’s closed.


Later he got a chance to be introduced to Uganda Mountain Climbers (MCU) where he met up with the president of (MCU) Matt Battani who worked by then as a president. Lore, and  Pierre Gay Perret with all this amazing experience Backson has been transferring this knowledge through Mulima Mountain Adventures, to young ones such as Job Soyekwo who is full-time in charge of operating Mulima Adventures.


Tony Siya, Newton Soyekwo, Mark Cherop, Emmanuel Chemonges, Francis Musoro, James Kitiyo, Victor, Karen, and Musau Sam who are ready to take it through?

History of Abseiling Sipi Falls


Abseiling came into existence in the early 1860s in Switzerland. Abseiling Sipi Falls was introduced in Sipi in 2002 as an adventure that takes your limits of adrenaline beyond your expectations. With the help of our experienced guides, we stand out to bring you Abseiling Sipi Falls as a life-changing experience.

When Abseiling was introduced, there were three guides who had an opportunity to be trained by volunteers from North Alpine in Italy, who came to the country Uganda as missionaries under the Catholic Church. Through their knowledge of Abseiling/ Rappelling and rock climbing which has been brought into existence in Sipi since then.

The person behind offering this activity now at Sipi Falls is called Backson Chebaimo, who was among the well-trained. Before Abseiling, the main activity at Sipi Falls was only hiking the famous Sipi waterfall. After the initiation of Abseiling in Sipi, Mount Elgon increased the number of tourists from across the globe.





Backson, learning how to perform belaying and bouldering, has been a privilege for him. He was born in Sipi village, near the beautiful rock, and worked as a tourist guide at Crows Nest before encountering bouldering and belaying.

He always joked around saying “When I was young I used to climb these beautiful captivating rocks around without a rope or any protection” to a couple who were tourists by the names of Elizabeth and Jacob. The couple then picked an idea and told Backson to write a proposal about learning how to boulder and abseil, without knowing that in his late 20s, he will have a chance to take it to another level as a professional. After that, a group of volunteers came and trained him for about three months.

He worked with a company that started as a senior instructor. Later he went to work with ziplining that had started in Jinja in 2007 for two years where he met his new three British friends William, Ian, and Column who were so thrilled with Adventure tourism and hungry to explore Uganda beyond their expectations of Sipi on Mount Elgon. Later these three boys opened a lodge in Sipi which was dubbed Sipi river lodge but as of now, it’s closed.


Later he got a chance to be introduced to Uganda Mountain Climbers (MCU) where he met up with the president of (MCU) Matt Battani who worked by then as a president. Lore, and  Pierre Gay Perret with all this amazing experience Backson has been transferring this knowledge through Mulima Mountain Adventures, to young ones such as Job Soyekwo who is full-time in charge of operating Mulima Adventures.


Tony Siya, Newton Soyekwo, Mark Cherop, Emmanuel Chemonges, Francis Musoro, James Kitiyo, Victor, Karen, and Musau Sam who are ready to take it through?

Instructor Backson giving abseiling instructions before descending
abseiling the sipi falls

What to know during Abseiling Sipi Falls ( Techniques)


Abseiling technique means you abseil at a steady speed (the belay device moves gently and steadily), with your legs at roughly right angles to the rock face, knees slightly bent, and feet half a meter apart. Descend gently by walking slowly backward using the friction of the rope through the belay device to control the speed. The help of the instructor will enable you to excel in the Abseiling Sipi Falls exercise.


Advise/ Tips before Abseiling.


    •  Pay attention to our well-trained instructors at the Abseiling Point.
    • Safety is our number one priority
    • All our guides/ Instructors are well-trained and provide knowledgeable experience at all times.
    • Our site where operate has got incredible views overlooking the Sipi Valley and Karamoja region
    • The Equipment is approved by Uganda Mountain Climbers (MCU)
    • Once you land at the bottom your guide will pick you up and bring you to either our office or your lodge if you are staying around, or to your next adventure.
    • Before you descend, we always demonstrate for you with one of our instructors.


Healthy and Safety


There are some inherent risks associated with all adventurous activities. At Mulima Mountain Adventures we identify and manage these risks very carefully to ensure your safety at all times.

We work with dedicated, experienced guides only to instruct you on all aspects of safety. Our equipment is regularly inspected and maintained.

abseiling experience at sipi falls
adrenaline push in abseiling experience
twin abseiling besides the sipi falls waterfall

 The common words we use during our Abseilig Sipi Falls briefing


  • listen to the instructions carefully.
  • Lean back ( take your shoulders out gently)
  • Always make sure your feet are vertically 100% on the wall of the rock.
  • Take smaller steps backward ( baby steps that sound funny don’t forget.
  • We have small steel pipes to give smooth friction between the rope and the rock so we always ask our guests to step over gently.
  • No bending either of your body or knees.
  • Don’t do what you think. Always do what your instructor is asking you to do.
  • At the bottom try and do something crazier such as leaving the rope

These instructions will make your Sipi Falls Abseiling experience more fun and enjoyable.

Things you need to come along while participating in Abseiling Sipi Falls.

Rainy Season

from April to November

  • Good shoes (Sneakers, hiking shoes)
  • Rainy Jacket
  • Waterproof bag
  • Long pants/shorts
  • A bottle of water.

Dry Season

from December to March

  • Suncream
  • Sunglass
  • At least sneakers
  • Long pants/shorts
  • Camera in case you have one.
  • A bottle of water.
  • Swim wear, if you have time to take on the swimming pool down at the falls it’s so refreshing
Gears/ Equipment used for Sipi Falls Abseiling

Abseiling/rappelling and rock climbing is no fancy difference between these two activities in terms of equipment. Only in Abseiling we use more static rope, and in rock climbing, we use dynamic ropes for more flexibility as it is more recommendable.

Our Equipment
  • climbing harness
  • proper helmet
  • carabiners and ADC’s belaying device or figure eight knot.
  • proper static ropes
  • gloves
  • instructor
What time is best for Abseiling Sipi Falls Experience?

We do Abseil in the afternoon, and evening hours. This is the best time to take those amazing photos that you see on our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages.

This is because the sunshine is not directly on your face but rather hits the splashes of the waterfall creating a rainbow that is worthy of sight while you are being lowered down 100 meters waterfall.

Best Tips to Abseil safely

Our guides/ instructors are always ready to guide you on what to do at every step you take.

  •  Feel free to ask our instructors to recheck the gear three to five times before you engage yourself in the experience.
  • Feel free and ask the guides to re-check the knots you are being attached to.
  • An extra prusik knot is always rewarding during the experience.
  • There is no need to come along with anything for climbing. We have all what is needed for the entire activity.
The best steps to abseil safely

With our knowledge above, we acknowledge that you understand what abseiling and rappelling are all about, and the equipment to be used during the Abseiling Sipi Falls Experience.

Here we would love to invite you to the amazing famous Sipi Falls, where you are welcome. You will enjoy impressive and amazing landscape views of Sipi standing and facing Sipi Gorge which stretches to the Karamoja plains.


Phase 1. We will welcome you to put on your abseiling gear, where we shall dress you up in a safety climbing harness, helmet, and gloves. Other instructors will confirm your gear majorly for you to feel as safe as possible.


Phase 2. Attach you with a figure eight anchor knot, which you will be connected to a belaying device or one or two carabiners, depending on the instructor. It is time for you to go off the cliff walking backward with smaller steps one after another. Lean out and enjoy your adrenaline push steadily down beside the Sipi Waterfall.


Phase 3. We will attach your main rope to the belaying device and a carabiner firmly. Here comes smooth friction from your safety climbing harness and the anchor, through the belaying device or figure eight knot, smoothly towards your direction. At this point we need you to concentrate more on yourself as you go down slowly. The amazing part, our guides are right next to your side to ensure you are making the right steps.
Take your time and enjoy your experience.


At this point, you are double or triple-checked before you are lowered down the ropes, climbing harness, helmet, anchors, and knots, are all secured for you.

Now is the time to abseil/rappel

Hold tight onto your anchor (figure eight knot) as you steadily walk down in smaller steps off the edge of the cliff besides the stunning waterfall.

Here is the favorite part of our instructor Backson filled with fun and stories. 

Phase 4. When you are almost reaching the bottom, one of our guides, taking some photos/ videos at the bottom, would ask you to leave the rope. The instructors will lower you steadily in order for you to get those incredible shots as well. That’s why we call our abseiling Sipi Falls experience: “it will always last for ages”.


While you’re reaching the bottom and leave the rope, one of the guides will hand you a stick. He will pull you aside to land on a stable spot. Your safety harness and helmet can be removed from your body gently. Then our guide will take you to the viewpoint where you will watch the wonders of Sipi Falls.


From here you will depart by either hiking to where the car is or back to the hotel, kindly request us for boda-boda after the experience in case you don’t want to hike back.

Do we abseil when it is raining?

Bad weather tends sometimes to be so interrupting which leads us not to continue with the activity. At times, we have always a second chance to wait till it stops pouring down and thereafter we have time to proceed with the activity.

Twin Abseiling

This is where two persons abseil together at the same level and same time. It’s fascinating that people have a chance to go down safely at a steady speed while talking to each other as they unleash the feeling of their adrenaline push.

 The common words we use during our Abseilig Sipi Falls briefing


  • listen to the instructions carefully.
  • Lean back ( take your shoulders out gently)
  • Always make sure your feet are vertically 100% on the wall of the rock.
  • Take smaller steps backward ( baby steps that sound funny don’t forget.
  • We have small steel pipes to give smooth friction between the rope and the rock so we always ask our guests to step over gently.
  • No bending either of your body or knees.
  • Don’t do what you think. Always do what your instructor is asking you to do.
  • At the bottom try and do something crazier such as leaving the rope

These instructions will make your Sipi Falls Abseiling experience more fun and enjoyable.

Things you need to come along while participating in Abseiling Sipi Falls

Rainy Season

from April to November

  • Good shoes (Sneakers, hiking shoes)
  • Rainy Jacket
  • Waterproof bag
  • Long pants/shorts
  • A bottle of water.

Dry Season

from December to March

  • Suncream
  • Sunglass
  • At least sneakers
  • Long pants/shorts
  • Camera in case you have one.
  • A bottle of water.
  • Swim wear, if you have time to take on the swimming pool down at the falls it’s so refreshing
Gears/ Equipment used for Sipi Falls Abseiling

Abseiling/rappelling and rock climbing is no fancy difference between these two activities in terms of equipment. Only in Abseiling we use more static rope, and in rock climbing, we use dynamic ropes for more flexibility as it is more recommendable.

Our Equipment
  • climbing harness
  • proper helmet
  • carabiners and ADC’s belaying device or figure eight knot.
  • proper static ropes
  • gloves
  • instructor
What time is best for Abseiling Sipi Falls Experience?

We do Abseil in the afternoon, and evening hours. This is the best time to take those amazing photos that you see on our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages.

This is because the sunshine is not directly on your face but rather hits the splashes of the waterfall creating a rainbow that is worthy of sight while you are being lowered down 100 meters waterfall.

Best Tips to Abseil safely

Our guides/ instructors are always ready to guide you on what to do at every step you take.

  •  Feel free to ask our instructors to recheck the gear three to five times before you engage yourself in the experience.
  • Feel free and ask the guides to re-check the knots you are being attached to.
  • An extra prusik knot is always rewarding during the experience.
  • There is no need to come along with anything for climbing. We have all what is needed for the entire activity.
The best steps to abseil safely

With our knowledge above, we acknowledge that you understand what abseiling and rappelling are all about, and the equipment to be used during the Abseiling Sipi Falls Experience.

Here we would love to invite you to the amazing famous Sipi Falls, where you are welcome. You will enjoy impressive and amazing landscape views of Sipi standing and facing Sipi Gorge which stretches to the Karamoja plains.


Phase 1. We will welcome you to put on your abseiling gear, where we shall dress you up in a safety climbing harness, helmet, and gloves. Other instructors will confirm your gear majorly for you to feel as safe as possible.


Phase 2. Attach you with a figure eight anchor knot, which you will be connected to a belaying device or one or two carabiners, depending on the instructor. It is time for you to go off the cliff walking backward with smaller steps one after another. Lean out and enjoy your adrenaline push steadily down beside the Sipi Waterfall.


Phase 3. We will attach your main rope to the belaying device and a carabiner firmly. Here comes smooth friction from your safety climbing harness and the anchor, through the belaying device or figure eight knot, smoothly towards your direction. At this point we need you to concentrate more on yourself as you go down slowly. The amazing part, our guides are right next to your side to ensure you are making the right steps.
Take your time and enjoy your experience.


At this point, you are double or triple-checked before you are lowered down the ropes, climbing harness, helmet, anchors, and knots, are all secured for you.

Now is the time to abseil/rappel

Hold tight onto your anchor (figure eight knot) as you steadily walk down in smaller steps off the edge of the cliff besides the stunning waterfall.

Here is the favorite part of our instructor Backson filled with fun and stories. 

Phase 4. When you are almost reaching the bottom, one of our guides, taking some photos/ videos at the bottom, would ask you to leave the rope. The instructors will lower you steadily in order for you to get those incredible shots as well. That’s why we call our abseiling Sipi Falls experience: “it will always last for ages”.


While you’re reaching the bottom and leave the rope, one of the guides will hand you a stick. He will pull you aside to land on a stable spot. Your safety harness and helmet can be removed from your body gently. Then our guide will take you to the viewpoint where you will watch the wonders of Sipi Falls.


From here you will depart by either hiking to where the car is or back to the hotel, kindly request us for boda-boda after the experience in case you don’t want to hike back.

Do we abseil when it is raining?

Bad weather tends sometimes to be so interrupting which leads us not to continue with the activity. At times, we have always a second chance to wait till it stops pouring down and thereafter we have time to proceed with the activity.

Twin Abseiling

This is where two persons abseil together at the same level and same time. It’s fascinating that people have a chance to go down safely at a steady speed while talking to each other as they unleash the feeling of their adrenaline push.

adrenaline push in abseiling experience
twin abseiling besides the sipi falls waterfall

Did you pick interest? Contact us

Activities that can be well combined with Abseiling Sipi Falls

Sipi Falls Hike

Coffee tour

Rock climbing

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