Sebei Culture Tour
Cultural and adventure tourism
The people in this region are called Sabiny’s and are one of the immensely cultural tribes in Uganda who still practice some of their old traditions like the famous ‘Circumcision’ of all male members of the community at a teenage age, in public.
For those who are deeply interested in the African and Ugandan Cultures, this is one thing you should do while on the trip to Sipi, Kapchorwa.
You can be part of this colorful event of song and dance if you visit in December, although we can still organize one cultural experience for you to have an opportunity to watch and be part of the dancing of circumcision cultural dance. Grab the chance to learn everything About Kalenjin people from the dressing, and social dynamics. Try local foods and be a part of the community, it will be a refreshing feeling from what you are used to and definitely, something you’ll remember about the Sebei-Kanlenjins tribe.
The origin of the Sebei people
The Sabinys-speaking people belong to the largest ethnic Kalenjin tribes across two countries, Uganda and Kenya.
There are lots of beautiful stories about the Sebei people. However, they are believed to have come from Egypt down to Ethiopia and South Sudan and they entered Uganda through the northeast part of the country and later entered Kenya due to hostility in Uganda.
They occupy districts of Kapchorwa, Kween, and Bukwo in Uganda and their main culturally competent is circumcision which is done between young males. It takes place after every two even years. With a growing population of 375000.
Cultural dances of the Sebei people
The cultural dances and music are deeply powerful and they do it to remember their times in wars, cattle keeping among themselves, birthdays, and folk telling. In this particular experience, musical instruments are displayed, which makes it a thrill to listen, watch and embrace the joyful feeling of the Sebei people.
Giving of names by the Sebei people
“Name giving” among the Sebei people have got a unique way of giving names to young kids, where mothers, grandmothers, and fathers choose the right names for babies, by putting a stick on top of a fruit with a small drum, and if the stick doesn’t move then you have earned yourself a name.
And the traditional name you are given should have meaning based on time and the activity that took place on the day when you were born.
This experience only takes place with children, it’s fun and very instrumental accompany by cultural dances and storytelling during the experience.
The beauty of Sebei cultural ceremonies
Sebei people are found in Eastern Uganda, in the district of Kapchorwa Kween and Bukwo belonging to the Kanlenjins and if they are all united they are called the “sabout” meaning the big home. They speak a language called Kubsabiny which is not widely spoken in Uganda, but only among about 375000 persons.
Female genital mutilation
Sebei region in the districts of Kapchorwa, Kween, and Bukwo are well known for genital mutilation among themselves, although the initiative is rapidly come down. However, the circumcision of teenage boys is still in place after every two even years in the month of December. Ie 2024, 2026, 2028.
Giving of names by the Sebei people
“Name giving” among the Sebei people have got a unique way of giving names to young kids, where mothers, grandmothers, and fathers choose the right names for babies, by putting a stick on top of a fruit with a small drum, and if the stick doesn’t move then you have earned yourself a name.
And the traditional name you are given should have meaning based on time and the activity that took place on the day when you were born.
This experience only takes place with children, it’s fun and very instrumental accompany by cultural dances and storytelling during the experience.
The beauty of Sebei cultural ceremonies
Sebei people are found in Eastern Uganda, in the district of Kapchorwa Kween and Bukwo belonging to the Kanlenjins and if they are all united they are called the “sabout” meaning the big home. They speak a language called Kubsabiny which is not widely spoken in Uganda, but only among about 375000 persons.
Female genital mutilation
Sebei region in the districts of Kapchorwa, Kween, and Bukwo are well known for genital mutilation among themselves, although the initiative is rapidly come down. However, the circumcision of teenage boys is still in place after every two even years in the month of December. Ie 2024, 2026, 2028.
Interact with Sebei people
The Sebei people or “Sabinys” who are widely known as Kalenjins are some of the most friendly people in Uganda. During the cultural tour, or cave cultural experience in which several activities take place, such as songs of victory, childbirth, and marriage rites. Circumcision songs and folk telling stories, you’ll have an opportunity to listen to the elders and enjoy the local’s interaction with the Sebei people. Where they performed the preparation of war activities, hiding areas, cooking in the cave and so much more that you will keep in memory.
What is the difference between the Sebei people and the Kalenjins?
There is no big difference, the Sebei people are part of the largest ethnic group of Kalenjin tribes living on the slopes of Mountain Elgon in Eastern Uganda, speaking Kupsabiny as their native language.
It’s also said that the three communities that practice prophesizing in the world both wich are the Jews, Russian, and Kalenjins, and this part of the Kalenjins are the Sebei people still practicing to date. Prophets are found as spiritual and cultural leaders within the Kalenjin and Sebei communities to date.